A renowned colourist and master glass artist, Jean-Claude Novaro (1943-2014) was considered one of the most influential figures in the art world of the 21st century in France. Nearly seven years after his death, his most beautiful works are still on display in many art galleries and are still priceless today. But who was this great artist and what was his career path like? These few words will shed some light on the subject.
Jean-Claude Novaro: a genius master glassmaker!
Born in Antibes in the Alpes-Maritimes on October 18, 1943, Jean-Claude Novaro left school at the age of 14 to join the workshop of the ceramic engineer Eloi Monod in Biot. In the beginning, he worked as a glassblower, but very quickly, his know-how propelled him to the rank of master glassmaker, then "chef de la halle". Being very passionate about his job, Novaro decided to open his own workshop and began to work with new techniques. Among his greatest successes was the discovery of the secret of luminescent glass, a technique that gives the glass a fluorescent bubble appearance. For a better understanding of these techniques, we recommend you check out the complete biography of Jean-Claude NOVARO on this link.
Jean-Claude Novaro's most gorgeous works
Throughout his career, Jean-Claude Novaro has been known for his unique artistic style and his desire to create unmatched art pieces. Vases, lamps, landscape bottles, and sculptures of all kinds, his works continue to arouse the curiosity of art lovers. Loving to play with different colour combinations, he did not hesitate to mix glass with other materials to create unique decorative objects. As he used to say, glassmaking is an art that frees itself from the laws of substance. Delicate, sensual, and above all contemporary, his creations perfectly reflect both his personality and great talent.
How to obtain an artwork signed by Jean-Claude Novaro?
Considered as true masterpieces, Jean-Claude Novaro's works are today exhibited in numerous galleries in France and elsewhere. Among the most famous exhibited pieces is the Calvet glassworks, where his most exquisite craft can be fully admired. Particularly appreciated by the world's greatest art lovers, the pieces he has created are also considered collectors' items. To acquire one of them, it is now possible to go to a reputable art dealer or to visit an online gallery, where a large number of his works are offered for sale.